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how to play 21 questions
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Jun 27, 2023
4:44 AM
Playing 21 Questions is a classic and interactive game that involves guessing an object, person, or concept by asking a series of yes or no questions. The objective is to deduce the answer within 21 questions or fewer. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to play 21 questions

Choose a questioner: Designate one person as the questioner who will think of the answer. Alternatively, the role of questioner can rotate among players.

Set the rules: Determine the category or theme for the game, such as movies, animals, or famous people, to provide a framework for the guessing.

Start with a question: The questioner begins by asking a player a yes or no question about their chosen object, person, or concept. For example, "Is it alive?" or "Is it a movie character?"

Answering with yes or no: The player must answer with a simple "yes" or "no" response. Additional explanations or hints are not allowed.

Continue asking questions: Players take turns asking yes or no questions to gather information and narrow down the possibilities. Questions should be strategic and concise.

Keep track of questions: Count the number of questions asked to stay within the limit of 21 questions.

Make a guess: Once a player feels confident in their guess, they can make a direct attempt to identify the answer.

Repeat or reveal the answer: If the guess is incorrect, play continues with more questions. If the guess is correct, the questioner confirms the answer and a new round can begin with a different questioner.

21 Questions is a fun and engaging game that encourages critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and creative questioning. It can be played in various settings, such as parties, road trips, or social gatherings, providing entertainment and fostering friendly competition among participants.

Last Edited by virteract on Jun 27, 2023 5:00 AM

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